Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Infection control Essay

In this research essay the essayist will discuss the principles of evidence- based nursing research and its importance in healthcare. Therefore a brief introduction in infection and infection prevention and control will also be made followed by the main focus of this research essay which will be hand hygiene by making use of five research terms, which are qualitative, quantitative, ethical consolidation, data collection and sample. In addition to this, the issue of the most common Healthcare – Associated Infections (HAIs) acquired in hospitals will also be explored and by referring to relevant research the essayist will investigate why then HAI still a major problem in the UK healthcare settings, as a number of studies and reports suggests that adequate hand hygiene practice is the key to reduce infection across the field of care (British Medical Journal, 2005; Lancet, 2007). The method used to collect the primary source of information was gathered through the use of the University library digital search, Cinahl Plus (a comprehensive source of evidence-based full-text for nursing & allied health journals, which provide concise overviews of diseases and conditions and outline the most effective treatment options based on peer-reviewed medical research. Cinahl plus is available via EBSCO host), medical journal articles, books, publications and Department of Health (DH) database, and clinical guidelines if they indicate hand hygiene as a key to control and prevent HAI. A number of keywords were used, including quantitative, qualitative and research within the title ‘infection control’, ‘hand hygiene’ and ‘HAI’ so only records containing all the keywords were saved. The resulting list of articles was then reduced to English language, adult population, and systematic reviews published between 2000 to present. Of the 26 randomized controlled trials (RCT), twelve were discarded, as some were not relevant and some were unavailable. Furthermore the remaining ten literature review was divided into subtopics: hand washing technique and decontamination, alcohol-based hand rub, MRSA, and patient infection prevention information. Evidence- based nursing practice is the term used to describe the process the nurses use to make clinical decisions and answer clinical questions based on scientifically proved evidence rather than on  assumption, intuition or tradition (Bishop and Freshwater, 2003) In order for nurses to make the correct decision, they have to be based in four approaches which include; reviewing the best available evidence from peer-reviewed researches; using their clinical expertise; determining the values and cultural needs of the individual, and determining the preferences of the individual, family and community. Therefore such could only be achieved if the nurse’s know how to access the latest research and correctly interpret and apply the findings to their clinical practice (STTI, 2005). Fact that is also supported by the Nursing & Midwifery Council (NMC), 2008, which states ‘nurses must deliver care based on the best available evidence or best practice’. The fear of infection has been and will always be present in the human minds, rightly so as infections are the most common causes of death worldwide. From time to time we hear of methicillin- resistant Staphylococcus aureus (MRSA), C- Difficile, Norovirus, and any other organisms causing infection and threatening the health of the population (Ryan et al. 2001). Although in the developed countries the cardiovascular diseases and cancer are now the major causes, it is always an infection that tips morbidity into mortality (Meers, McPerson & Sedgwick, 2007). Infection prevention and control policies are a contentious issue in the healthcare settings. According to NICE (2012) new clinical guideline, everyone in involved in providing care must comply with the standard principles and regulations in infection control. Standard precautions should be applied at all times by the healthcare workers when caring for patients. Such can be accomplished by practising simple skills including; good hygiene in clinical environment, appropriate decontamination of hands and equipment, correct use of personal protective equipment, correct use and disposal of sharps, aseptic technique and waste disposal (DH, 2007, Pratt et al. 2007). The purpose of this is to reduce the risk of infectious diseases to staff, patients and others where care is delivered. Additionally, is the healthcare professional duty and responsibility to provide and deliver safe care to patients (NMC, 2008). According to World Health Organization (WHO) 2005, there are around 5000 death in healthcare setting due to HAI though the actual number of infections developed in the community is unknown (NHS QIS, 2005). Moreover,  with many HAIs manifesting post-hospital discharge (National Audit Office (NAO), 2000), the prevalence of HAI in the UK is likely to be greater than that reported in current official statistics, although 15-30% of these can be prevented with good infection control practices such as adequate hand hygiene practice (Damani 2003). Wilson (2006) states that hand washing are a simple procedure and the rates of procedure should be high. However the evidence points to the contrary as it written in the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) report, suggesting that healthcare professional’s compliance to hand hygiene standards averages at 40% (CDC, 2002). Furthermore, Rumbau et al (2001) suggests that poor hand hygiene practice is the major area in contention in healthcare settings and healthcare professionals fail to comply with appropriate hand hygiene technique due to workload, understaff, and skin conditions, i.e. dermatitis (WHO,2009). Subsequently, the heavy workload may have a negative impact on compliance (O’Boyle et al, 2001, Pittet et al 1999), resulting in infecting patients with avoidable HAIs such as staphylococcus aureus bacteraemia (MRSA) and Clostridium difficile infection (C-difficile), among others types of infection (DH, 2003). Eventually, the distress and suffering it causes to the patient who acquires the above mentioned infection whilst in hospital, leads to loss of confidence and credibility and reputation of healthcare professionals and the NHS Trusts. As a result, it brings an increase to the costs of the already under funded hospitals from increased stays, increased medical expenses and damage to the patients and their relatives who may decide taking lawsuit demands (WHO report, 2006). NAO (2000) states that the cost of HAIs is approximately  £ 1 billion per year, also around 9% of patients in hospitals in England at one time have an HAI. The Journal of Hospital Infection (JHI), (2008) own researchers A. Mears et al, carried out a quantitative and qualitative research study following the death of 180 patients infected with stomach infection in one of the worst outbreaks ever seen in the NHS Trust. The outbreak was blamed on poor measures, to manage, control and prevent infection, despite the Trust having high rates of HAI over several years (JHI, 2009). The study was aimed to investigate the potential factors linked to HAIs rates in acute NHS hospitals and which interventions may be effective to tackle this issue. The mixed methodological research terms used in the research was purposely  chosen as it has been proved that integrate both research terms (qualitative and quantitative) in a study are essential to answer different sort of questions, collect different types of data and produce different type of answer (Burnang and Hannigan, 2000, Bourgeois, 2002). In addition, multiple data sources are useful in researches or studies as they are part of within method triangulation to make the study more trustworthy and credible, also to enhance its depth by meeting different needs at different stages of a project, as well as compensates for shortcomings in any one method (Bourgeois, 2002; Kelly and Long, 2005), as it has been proved by the findings. Qualitative method is an organized, descriptive, systematic, and intensive process to collect data by using computer software programs i.e.ATLAS.ti, to efficiently examine, analyse, and organise data, also to synthesize large volumes of data (Rebar et al, 2011). This method focuses on individual perceptions and how these are described, as well as recognise that the way people behave is determined by many factors including; what is expected of them, how they interpret the behaviour of other people, and how they feel about what is happening (Rebar, Gersch, Macnee & McCabe, 2011). It is essential that the research is carried out with an open mind, as preconceptions could distort the interpretation of what is going on (Rapport, 2008). . Quantitative The method used for data collection in the study was semi-structure interview and a self- completion questionnaire with textual analysis of response to open questions, sent to 900 NHS Trust nurses. Interviews and questionnaires are the most common methods used for data collection. A questionnaire is an instrument used to collect specific written data in order to specifically target objective factors or interest (Rebar et al, 2011). Whereas interviews are better for collecting sensitive personal information as the interviewer can establish a rapport with the subject (Crombie and Davies, 2002). Out of 900 nurses interviewed 700 acknowledged that inadequate hand washing by healthcare staff was the major cause of HAI. When questioned why healthcare professionals fail to comply with appropriate hand hygiene technique, more than 70% answered that lack of time, workload and high activity levels was  the reason, and 66% answered low staff level and insufficient and inconveniently located s inks makes it difficult to comply. These findings are supported by evidence from infection control literature. However, it is clearly specified in the literature that the consequences of high activity levels experience among healthcare workers can have a negative impact on compliance (DH 2003, McCall & Tankersley, 2007). Besides The self- completion questionnaires were returned with 100% response rate. The results demonstrated that more than 95% of nurses assume that the inclusion of infection prevention and control in the staff (including medical students) training programmes may address the causes of the outbreak, therefore help to promote good infection prevention and control in the NHS Trusts hospital. Wilson (2006) argues in his literature that effective interventions in the management of HAIs, would involve a behaviour change on its own, feedback on behaviour, ownership of the problem and personal growth from healthcare staff. As such training alone would not be enough. The research terms and choice of methods used by the researcher were appropriate as it provided the reader with a detailed understanding of the issues discussed in the study also can be used as a basis for future work. The Health Protection Agency (2006) reports that MRSA tops the list of HAI acquired in the NHS hospitals by 40% and in average 4000 patients develop this condition every year. The situation is so serious that the credibility and subsistence of NHS as an institution may be in jeopardy (Cooper et al, 2004, Marshall et al, 2004& Voss, 2004). In the UK the levels of MRSA in hospital has staggering arisen from 2% in 1990 to 42% in 2000, generating a major public health problem and a source of public and political concern (Hawker, et al., 2005). Such rise has been attributed to the appearance of new strains with epidemic potential, hospital patients who are vulnerable to infections and failure to sustain good hospital hygiene, including hand hygiene. Several studies of health professionals in hospitals fault the spread of antibiotic resistant infections to poor hand hygiene and decontamination among healthcare professionals (Sharek et al.2002, Ariello et al 2004). In the document ‘Wining Ways’ released by the DH (2003), it is clearly stated that hand hygiene is essential to reducing the exposure of patients to HAIs, therefore the responsibility remains with staff to  demonstrate high levels of compliance in hand disinfection protocols. However, improving compliance with hand hygiene remains a pressing patient safety concern (Lautenbach, 2001). The WHO (2009), developed a strategy known as â€Å"Five Moments for Hand Hygiene† to improve hand hygiene compliance among healthcare workers and to add value to any hand hygiene improvement strategy, also to educate healthcare workers about the benefits of effective hand washing correlated with the correct techniques and timing of hand hygiene. The strategy indicates that cleaning hands at the right time and in the correct way should be an indispensable element of care, and form an integral part of the culture of all health service, and any failure to address this issue in a satisfactory manner could be seen as a breach of the Code of Professional Conduct. As a result it may put in question the healthcare professional fitness to practice and endanger his/ hers registration (CDC, 2002; NMC, 2006). The CDC first released formal written guidelines on handwashing in hospitals in 1975, aiming to reducing the risk of infection in hospitals, though it is believed that the idea has been around long before that (JHI, 2006). The NICE (2004) and HPA(2004) guidelines proposes that effective hand washing techniques should involve preparation, washing, rinsing, drying and the sequence should take roughly 40 to 60 seconds. The preparation, involves wetting the hands under tepid water (hot water should be avoided as it increases skin irritation) before applying liquid soap to all surfaces of the hand. Then the hands must be rubbed together, paying particular attention to the tips of the fingers, the thumbs and areas between the fingers for at least 15 seconds. Finally, the hands should be rinsed thoroughly and the taps turned off by using the elbows to avoid recontamination. The hands should be pat dry with good quality paper towels which are therefore disposed of in a foot-operated bin (NICE, 2003). The above mentioned technique should be performed immediately, before direct patient contact or care (including aseptic procedures), after direct patient contact or care, after exposure to body fluid, after any contact with patient’s surrounding i.e. bed making, after touching wound dressings, handling medication, etc. Hand rubs or alcohol gel is part of the modern hand wash procedure. They are frequently used in between hand washing, as an alternative agent to water and soap or when hands are physically clean (i.e. not contaminated with organic matter or soil),  (Endacott, Jevon and Cooper, 2009). Alcohol gel/ rub should be applied in sufficient quantity to cover hands and wrists, as any surface that is not covered may leave contamination on the hands. The hands should be rubbed together briskly for approximately 10-15 seconds, until the hands feel dry. Hands should be washed with water and soap after every five applications of alcohol hand gel. Many campaigns’ and studies in hand hygiene clearly state the responsibility of healthcare professionals in the fight of infection prevention in hospitals, however sparse studies mention the involvement of patients in the combat of same. A study revealed that 70% of patients did not receive any information in hand hygiene or other information regarding infection control and prevention when admitted to hospital (British Journal of Nursing, 2007). Several literature highlight the fact that infection may be caused by the patient’s own microbial flora or acquired from other infected patient via the contaminated hands of those delivering care (A. Mears et al, 2008). A government document originally initiated in the NHS Plan (DH, 2002) to encourage the empowerment of patients through patient information, are correlated with the clinical governance strategy of engaging patients in partnership to improve care. This new concept will empower patients by allowing them to be involved in the management of their care (Duncason and Pearson, 2005), also in decision making powers between the patient and the healthcare professional (Henderson, 2003). Moreover, this newly acquired power by the patients will also empower them to be involved in monitoring and reporting on standard of cleanliness in hospital wards (DH, 2004). Additionally, Christopher Paul Duncan and Carol Dealey (2006) did a qualitative piece of research with the purpose to explore patient opinions about asking healthcare workers to wash their hands before a clinical procedure and assess if patients knowledge and awareness about infection risks they are exposed while in hospital would influence the patients’ anxiety about asking. The method used in the study to collect data was a semi-structure questionnaire designed to be used in a descriptive survey. Data collection involves the gathering of information for qualitative and quantitative research through a variety of data sources, for instance, questionnaires, observations, interviews, conversations telephone interviews, books, past researches or studies, books and documents including, public and private documents i.e. official reports or historical  documents to specifically target objective factors or interest (Mason, 2002; Rebar et al, 2011). There are two ways of collecting data: primary or/ and secondary sources. Primary sources are collected directly by the researchers themselves, whereas secondary sources are gathered through researches or studies published by others researchers. In this particularly study the initial semi-structured questions allows the researcher to gain an insight of the participant’s feelings about asking healthcare workers to wash their hands. Asking patients to ask staff to wash their hands might be challenging as there are ethical issues attached to it. Ethical issues are mainly concerned with a balance between protecting the right of participant’s privacy, safety, confidentiality and protection from deceit, whilst at same time pursuing scientific endeavour (I. Holloway, 2008). As it is outlined in the Nuremberg Code, some basic principles are to be reviewed for ethical appropriateness (Burnard, 2006). These principles include autonomy, beneficence and non-maleficence. Autonomy re fers to recognition that participants have the right to decide on a course of action or follow it. Meaning, the participant must have reasonable awareness of the nature of the research and its possible consequences, based on that they whether give or withhold consent. The patients must feel free from coercion. In the context of research, the researcher must maximise the benefit of the patients whilst minimizing harm (Gillon, 2003), in the sense of , it may cause distress to the patients to ask staff to wash their hands as this may affect the care they get, reason why the chance of benefit should always outweigh the chance of harm (beneficence). Gillon (2003) defines non- maleficence as the avoidance of doing harm or the risk of doing harm. However in the Nuremberg Code, is outlined that a minor harm may sometimes offset a greater good, i.e. patients ask staff to wash their hands might affect the relationship with staff, but staff will be aware that patients have a voice in their care and therefore wash hands prior to start caring for them, then benefit all others patients. Researchers are required to ensure that all participants have an equal chance of be included from a study or benefit from it results. It is unfair and unjust to excluded participants from the study because their race, colour, gender, age or so on (National Research Ethics Service (NRES), 2006). The questionnaire was dispersed to a randomized convenience sample of 224 inpatients to all department of an acute NHS Trust hospital.  Sample in qualitative research seek to identify participants who have experience with the phenomenon of the interest to the researcher and who will bring as much depth, detail and complexity to the study (Rebar et al, 2011). In this study the researchers chose to use a convenience sampling. Conveniences sampling the participants are readily available; though members of the sample may not be best respondents in the illumination of the research question (Newell and Burnard, 2011). The returned sample was 185 since some patients were too sick to answer and further 34 patients refused to participate. The study showed that 73 (71.6%) patients felt less anxious to ask staff to wash their hands before a clinical procedure if they were using a badge saying ‘It’s OK to ask’. Patients well-informed about infection risks to themselves while in hospital were more anxious to ask, although an explanation could not be found. Out of 184 patients involved in the study only 25 (25.2%) were given information about hand hygiene and infection prevention when admitted in hospital, as opposed to 74 (74.7%) of patients who were given no information. The findings go against the DH (2003), plan to involve patients in their care management, also inform the patients about health issues they may face while in hospital (NPSA, 2004; Duncanson and Person, 2005). Whilst the kind of sampling and data collection strategies used by the researchers were detailed and descriptions of personal accounts were given, a purposive sampling would have been more appropriated as participants would have been intentionally selected as they would have more characteristics related to the purpose of the research, hence would have more relevant things to say (Newell and Burnard, 2011) Additionally, interviews would have been better choice for collecting data and would fill the existing gap in the study. In conclusion, several studies links poor hand hygiene to the high rates of hospital acquired infections in NHS hospitals, yet insufficient evidence was supplied to enable a view to be taken on its potential contribution to reducing infection (A. Mears et al, 2009). More work needs to be done on hand hygiene, standards monitoring and education of healthcare professionals in the management and improvement of infection prevention and control in primary care practice (Wilson, 2006). Undoubtedly, adequate hand hygiene is the foundation for infection control activities, however there are still  several actions which NHS Trust hospitals can put in place to prevent and reduce the risks of infection, including the environment, infecting microbes and antimicrobial stewardship, patterns of healthcare and the patient treatment and diagnostic interventions (Patient Environment Action Team, 2005). Thus, the literature appraisal has highlighted the lack of the research in these areas.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Business Plan Project Essay

BUSINESS NAMES V-cigs. The V stands for vapor and victory. Vapor is the substance identical to smoke while Victory is the victory that all the heavy smokers out there will get when they manage to quit smoking. DESCRIPTION OF BUSINESS Our business will be a distributor of Electronic cigarettes where we get the item shipped straight from US. An electronic cigarette is a battery powered device that provides inhaled doses of nicotine or non-nicotine vaporized solution. It is an alternative to smoked tobacco products such as, cigarettes, cigars or pipes. In addition to purported nicotine delivery, this vapor also provides a flavor and physical sensation similar to that of inhaled tobacco smoke, while no smoke or combustion is actually involved in its operation. An electronic cigarette takes the form of some manner of elongated tube, though many are designed to resemble the outward appearance of real smoking products. Another common design is the â€Å"pen-style†, so named for its visual resemblance to a ballpoint pen. Most electronic cigarettes are reusable devices with replaceable and refillable parts. FORM OF BUSINESS OWNERSHIP It will be a sole proprietorship because it’s a startup company and we’re planning to lay low and go small at first and see how it goes, so it’s easier to form by one owner and it doesn’t need high startup costs and we’ll get tax benefits. IDEAL CUSTOMER We try to target on adults and teenagers in the range of age from 18 to 55 years old. Not just males but females too because in this century now the population of females who smokes is slightly equal to males who smokes. But our priority is the ones who have health problem, a pregnant lady and ones who have basic desire to quit smoking. OUR ADVANTAGES V-cigs carries some of the finest electronic cigarettes and supplies on the market. Our selection of kits and accessories for both new & advanced vapers truly offer a unique alternative to smoking in an incredibly lower price. It is designed for the people who want the freedom to smoke anywhere without having to put it out. Apparently it is more eco-friendly because it does not emit the same toxins as a traditional cigarettes. It provides nicotine while not producing carbon dioxide and other harmful fumes and chemicals. We don’t have any direct competition but we do have indirect competitors and they are; All the companies that make cigarette locally and internationally like Dunhill, Winston, Marlboro, Salem and etc. Shisha Cigar Pipes Competitive substitute Our advantages THE EXTERNAL ENVIRONMENT Environmental Variables Key impacting factors Political Economic Socio-Cultural Trend of anti-smoker have wide-spread Technological BUSINESS PLAN PROJECT TEMPLATE PART 2: THE BUSINESS OF MANAGING MISSION STATEMENT â€Å"To protect the environment and provide a complete freedom to smoke anywhere, anytime without any harmful effects to the body and environment as well and also to give the same real taste of traditional cigarette but with style†. We strive to maintain that type of customer service at V-cigs. We want to be available to our customers to answer your questions as you continue to vamping. We want to be approachable and helpful and ready to help you with all of your vamping needs and desires. Our main reason for being a vendor is so that we can help people when and where they need it. Though our customers come from all walks of life and several parts of the country, we hope to continue to have a local atmosphere. BUSINESS GOALS Every company has its goals while ours are; Short-term goal Our short-term goal is a target of 400 customers by the end of the first year, where each customer spends a minimum of RM150 per purchase. Intermediate goal Our intermediate goal is to open few branches when net profits reach RM20 000. SWOT ANALYSIS The purpose of the SWOT analysis is to know the V-cigs strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats that are internal and external.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Media Fast Assignment Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Media Fast Assignment - Essay Example During the first 48 hours without the media screens, I was so excited. I indulged in other activities; for instance mowing my lawn, and reading a novel which I bought and never opened its pages. As time progressed, my excitement turned into boredom. I got bored and wished for screen media; I anticipated the end of the 48 hours. After the 48 hours without the media, I was relieved to resume my regular life with media screens. Challenges encountered during the media fast assignment entailed media activities that were very difficult to avoid. These challenges focused on media activities that I found very hard to avoid. I had difficulty in avoiding texting, using the internet via my laptop, and watching my favorite series which coincided with the media fast period. These media activities were very difficult to avoid because I have a habit of using these media devices often. My life is centered on the media devices; doing away with them for 48 hours was torturing, although I was excited initially. I did not carefully access the experience that I was going to go through. I had no idea that I was not prepared for this experience. I usually use the media for communication purposes as well as entertainment purposes. I have a habit of texting my friends, and using the internet to communicate with my friends via social sites; like facebook, twitter and Linkedin. For communication purposes with my friends, I opted to give myself some alone time. I mowed my lawn and cleaned up the house. I thought that staying away from the media communication segment with my friends would do me good as I now had time to contemplate on my life and my surroundings. This alternative worked well for me as I managed to clean up my house all by myself without seeking assistance. Usually, I seek assistance from companies that offer cleaning services. In one, way, I was able to save up my money and clean up my own mess. I am addicted to the television movies and series; I even have my

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Was the urbanization good for south America Essay

Was the urbanization good for south America - Essay Example Thousands of people flocked into America to escape, political oppression they faced in their home countries. Between 1881 and 1890 alone, there were a total of 5,246,613 immigrants who had arrived in America (McKelvey, 1963). As the urban areas grew in size and a number, there were a number of negative social, political and economic effects which were associated with it. The discussion in this paper discusses some of the problems associated with urbanization during the late 19th century. (Wakstein, 1990) The main problem of urbanization during the 19th century was the poor or lack of planning in the cities. The urbanization in America was mainly accelerated by migration of people, industrialization and technology. The spiral increase in the population did not give government authorities enough time to plan and budget for the increasing numbers (Ghadar&Loughran, 2014). Lack of poor infrastructure and planning resulted to a number of social problems which includes; a number of basic services like police and fire departments were; inadequate disposal system; there was a huge sanitation problem; lack of hospitals and medical facilities; and the geometric growth of the population. (Wakstein, 1990) There was constant increase in the cases of reported crime in the urban centers. The constant growth in the population, together with reduced police control proved a challenge for the police to control incidences of criminal acts in the cities. Thieves took the advantage of the teeming masses in the cities to rob people. The consumption of alcoholic drinks and other drugs as people tried to escape drudgery and boredom of their daily lives. There was increased violence which included number of people who were murdered in the cities. The incidences of child labor also went high. (McKelvey, 1963) With the upsurge in the number of people who were flocking the urban cities to

Issues in High Stakes Testing Programs Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Issues in High Stakes Testing Programs - Article Example This issues surround the larger problem, which has to do with whether or not these assessments are appropriate for meeting set standards in a political setting. The purposes of these assessments are to see how schools rank locally, statewide, and nationally, as well as learning and understanding what the standards of students should be. The aforementioned are the types of tests that will be used, and what the tests will be based on and what should be achieved with them. Prior to concerns being voiced, there used to be just one test that was used internationally; after it become clear that not every student or school could meet those standards, multiple tests were created by state. The No Child Left Behind Law allowed this change to come into play. In regards to the motivation and morale of students, the article states that these assessment tests allow students to understand what the level of their knowledge is. This can be considered to be both a positive and a negative thing - the students can realize that they knew a little more than they expected, or that they knew less. The downside is that students may feel frustrated if they do not perform well, which will only negatively alter how they perform in a general sense. They can become discouraged and feel more negative towards themselves, lowering their expectations. One of the biggest controversies surrounding these assessment tests concerns how the tests relate to the curriculum. The students cannot be expected to take an assessment if they have not covered everything within the test. Schools need to stick to the curriculum, so that when it is time for students to take the assessments, they are ready and knowledgeable in what the test contains. A high-stakes test can be defined as a test that shows a student how they are failing. These tests not only show them where their weaknesses and strengths are, but they also allow the student to learn and understand what more there is for

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Brand Strategy Case Analysis Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Brand Strategy Analysis - Case Study Example The company also maintains threats that come directly from the consumer and their attitude regarding Starbucks’ quality and viability to fit their needs. Domestically, the success in consumer attitude or its previous ability to corner the market on unique coffee products met with higher capital growth for expansion into new market environments. However, the business has had to adjust its marketing strategies to include extension into the virtual environment, as only one example, because of this influence. Coupled with growth in competition know-how and product replication, Starbucks is unsure of whether its expansion from years prior will continue to serve its sustainability or growth objectives. The extension of other value-added products such as theater tickets or other branded merchandise is one contingency for revenue production that meets with short-term gains based on social or cultural trends. However, Starbucks seems to be able to recognize the appropriate short-term b randing partnerships and builds, at least, a short-run increase in sales growth. Starbucks’ hot spot music-related product focus is yet another example of its short-term focus in gaining higher revenues. Using reputable artists or other media to explore new technologies and sounds appealed to a buyer sentiment in the late 1990s at a time when there was little in terms of social media or other advertising formats. These strategies are now facing competition from major players in music downloads and kiosk formats such as Apple iTunes and multitudes of music downloading and access sites. This requires Starbucks to be always flexible regarding its strategic goals for gaining new market share or improving its capital position to be used in expansion or other business objectives related to outperforming other industry leaders or direct competitors. Success, Growth and the Global Brand They key successes are in environmental scanning to recognize opportunities in measurement to comp etition and buyer attitudes driven either by social factors, cultural factors or generic attitudes toward coffee and its innovations or convenience. Extension into non-food product offerings shows this flexibility and understanding of environmental forces that influence how the company manages its total product offering package. The company was able to build its positive brand based on quality by reinforcing through advertising and actual product that it was a best-in-class offering using only quality ingredients and development expertise. It was an engrained strategy used to appeal to mass market groups of varying demographics that never changed its positioning to create a portrait in the minds of consumers against competition. Starbucks’ growth strategy seemed a bit premature, extending itself into unknown markets too quickly without adequate knowledge of what their social trends included. Joint ventures and other partnerships provided the expertise and/or funding necessary to achieve this sudden growth, however only so much knowledge can be developed when most efforts are directed toward product innovation as a key goal or branding attribute. The partnerships with agencies such as Marriott were a practical and realistic method of introducing Starbucks into new environments where coffee consumption was typical. However, with high risks of cheapening the brand and allowing it to be leveraged and capitalized upon by knowledge leaders in the partner or joint

Friday, July 26, 2019

Critical Thinking Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 14

Critical Thinking - Essay Example As shown below these three sources are of greatest threat to our well-being. Motor vehicles have been pointed out as a major source of environmental pollution for a long time; they produce CO2 among other poisonous gases, which are responsible for the depletion of the ozone layer as well as CO, which is a non-detectable poisonous gas. Coal, which is also burned in several industries as a source of energy, has been flagged by environmentalists as a major contributor to carbon dioxide too. Other sources of pollutants include fossil fuels which act as a source of Sulfur Dioxide when burnt and Nitrogen Oxide which is produced when the fuels in vehicles are combusted (Sukhraj 18). Air pollutants have been shown to have several detrimental effects to the environment. The gases interact with the water in the atmosphere to produce acidic rain, which is corrosive and therefore erodes the paint of buildings and kills life in plants and rivers due to its poisonous nature. These fumes have also been identified as carcinogenic and over time, residents living in places with high pollution rates will have a higher prevalence rate of eyes nose and throat infections as well as the development of cancer. There reduction of air pollution is very important and several steps have been taken to do this. Vehicles have been given several standards of performance, which all companies must maintain failure to which their vehicles will not be allowed in certain countries. Catalytic converters have also been installed in vehicles and in factories where sulfur is a by-product so as to reduce the sulfur compounds released into the environment (Sukhraj 23). The introduction of harmful substances to soil and water is another problem that is being faced in many places. Most water pollutants are manmade and are a result of industrial activity too close to agricultural land and water sources. However, natural sources of water pollution include water

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Business Essay

Meeting the Challenge of Sustainable Business - Essay Example tly, the paper recommends that the NIOC would respond through prioritized strategies: increased environmental preservation programs, building technological capabilities, expanding programs for socioeconomic concerns, monitoring Iran’s geopolitical status as well as adjusting operations to cope in a stringent legal environment. This approach would ensure sustainability by minimizing unfavourable uncertainties. The global business environment is very dynamic and present trends that could lead to the failure of the business. Analysis of the recent trends could give insight on future trends in the business environment and enable planners develop long-term sustainable strategies for their company. This is important to ensure the businesses do not experience undesired difficulties that may lead to failure or decreased profits. The current business scenario for the oil industry could provide rich information on the anticipated scenario in the long future and enable oil firms such as the National Iranian Oil Company (NIOC) develop effective sustainable strategies. The present oil business environment experience changes in geopolitical, technological, socioeconomic, legal and environmental factors useful in developing sustainable response strategies for a firm. Current trends include increased environmental concerns due to pollution of oil products and practices of cutting costs to increase compe titiveness. There are global politics on Iran’s oil supplies associated with involvement in the manufacture of nuclear weapons as well as support for terrorism. This paper will discuss about the present oil business scenario for NIOC to project the scenario in 2055 and develop sustainable response strategies for the company’s future scenario. The global oil industry experience huge concerns over the negative impacts of oil on the environment. Oil is the main source of pollution through emissions of carbon dioxide gas, which the main contributing factor in global warming

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Economics Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 26

Economics - Essay Example In some cases, financial models may also quantify the financial impact of the policies of the firm, and of covenants or restrictions imposed by lenders or investors. A cash budget is a basic financial model. The engineering consulting firm generates a stream of $48,000 in monthly revenue for the first year from six customers, two per partner. A lot of time is spent on travels, about 30 trips per partner, in a year at a cost of $2,000 per trip. Every partner buys a new computer and updates software for $5000 per year. The firm looks forward to expanding to four customers per partner by the third year with assumed monthly revenue of $3000. The financial model is the gold standard for valuation. Cash budget and cash flow have been indicated as the best proxy for financial performance of corporate. The above financial model is easy to build just like cash flow. One column holds annual cash flow estimates, and rows hold individual itemized expenses. The models states yearly estimates depending on the firm’s revenue generation. In the case of existing growth rates, one can create bulk estimates that apply the same rate of growth for the five years. It is significant to note that sophisticated or detailed modeling does not substitute discretion or judgment. Reality checks will be conducted periodically concerning the core assumptions. The financial model illustrates what the firm must do in order to grow, the value of the growth, and what is expected of the firm. Financial models, even though take time to build, can pay for the consumed time and result into better investment

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Cat People Psychoanalytic Analysis Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Cat People Psychoanalytic Analysis - Essay Example This incredible heritage reflects greatest, deepest and therefore most important components of our life. Carl Jung life’s work provided his readers all across the world with great meditations on the matter of life and death, violence and love, soul, spirit, purpose of human existence and even further away in the sphere of unconscious and therefore out of time and space, deeper than scientific approach somewhere on the threshold of religious patterns and philosophical discoveries. â€Å"Cat People† is named horror movie but it`s not a real horror from the cinematic point of view. From that point it is more of a psychological thriller and psychology in this film is exactly the prism through which it will be discussed. The plot of the film briefly consists of interactions between 4 people which are: Irena (main heroine), Oliver Reed (her admirer and later husband), Dr. Louis Judd (psychiatrist of the main heroine) and Alice (Oliver’s co-worker and later lover). Main heroine sees herself a descendant of the ancient mystical evil-worshippers who are half cats and half people. Long time ago these people have been punished for their blasphemy and even killed but some of them escaped to the woods. Our heroine tells it to her admirer Oliver whom she meets. Despite it is being truth (though only for the aesthetical effect and more as an allegory) he says that she is too imaginative and therefore it’s all just a silly fantasy. Then they agree to marry each other and this serves as a movie’s starting point of interest because if woman says that she feels like some living creature (panther) lives in her and can break out in the moment of the most passionate and intimate expression (sexu al orgasm) and her lover agrees to marry her then eventually almost anyone would wait for further conflict. This conflict doesn’t make viewer wait for him too long (film is really short) with Alice who is Oliver’s co-worker becoming a reason for Irena’s

Monday, July 22, 2019

Third World and Children Essay Example for Free

Third World and Children Essay Children are humans. With this sentence I want to start my assignment, because after having read the paper you will find a deeper meaning in these words. There are many kinds of institutions who work under the umbrella of the United Nations and fight for the right of human. One of these types of institutions is the United Nations International Children Emergency Fund, shortened UNICEF. I chose to write about the UNICEF, because I would like to give my point of view about this organization. UNICEF is an important organization for the international cooperation between different countries. I think if there werent such an organization, children had to suffer even more. There are a lot of children who get help from UNICEF, but yet there are millions who are still suffering. It is of essential importance that there are such organizations who help the children in difficulties and suffer, especially now in the third world countries. UNICEF offers help for children with difficult circumstances. In all parts of the world, for example: Kosovo, Zambia, Colombia and Vietnam. UNICEF works in 189 countries and is one of the biggest UN-organizations. They give people food, safety, water, help in illness and education. I admire the work UNICEF is doing, especially for the children who have to suffer. History of the United Nations and UNICEF December 11th 1946. The World War II has just been ended and many cities and villages have been destroyed through bombings. On the farms not much was grown and most of the factories didnt produce, because there was a lot of damage caused by the war. Also the stores were not open so there was not much food. Especially the children had to suffer of all this chaos. The United Nations was formed shortly after the war to try and create peace. Countries who joined this organization sent their delegations to the Headquarters of UN. They came together to find a way for solutions for different kind of problems. The delegations worried that Europe may not recover of all the damages caused by the war if there could not be done anything about the situation of the children. In this year the delegations decided to set up a fund to help the children in Europe who had suffered from the World War II. This fund was called the UNRRA (United Nations Rehabilitation and Relief Administration). Later the General Assembly changed the name in UNICEF. The first delegations of the UNICEF started their work by providing blankets, milk and food. Also health care of the children was an important priority for them. Providing milk to the babies was necessary, because the factories in Europe were all closed. Milk became scarce and precious. The delegations took the responsibility to help as much as they could to prevent the hunger those days. UNICEF worked together with the local authorities, help organizations and farmers to increase the milk production again. UNICEF strove that, when they left an area or country, the local population was able to hold on the milk production. In the year 1953 UNICEF operated worldwide and became an organization of development cooperation which was directed on helping mother and child. In the sixties the help of UNICEF became more structured and emphasized the family, local community and the society as a whole. Moreover education received more attention. In the year 1989 the Conventions on the rights of the Child got accepted by almost all the UN-member countries. Only two countries (Somalia and the USA) didnt sign the treaty. All rights of the child were mentioned in this treaty. These rights refer to all the children of the world, boys girls, black white, poor rich. You can think of the right of growing up in a  family, right on protection against child labour and right to having a safe and healthy life. These kinds of rights in the treaty are the basic foundation for UNICEF. Article 45 of the treaty says that the organizations of the United Nations, like UNICEF itself, can advise governments so that there can be an administration where the child gets the first priority. 1990 is the year when the World top for Children was held. The result of this event is an action plan for the children worldwide. In 2002 again such an event took place to see if the participated countries had reached their goals concerning the children. The result is negative. So the 189 countries who joined the World top for Children, accepted a new action plan including more than 20 goals for the next ten years. Conventions on the rights of the Child The main target of UNICEF is to see that all children get the care and the education that they need for having a good childhood. I still think that this target hasnt been obtained completely, because not all countries stick to the rules which have been described in the United Convention of the Rights of the Child. As I said earlier, almost every UN-member country signed the treaty which refers to rights of children from all nationalities. The seven most important rights of the child, which have been supported by the UNICEF have not been observed yet by all 189 countries. I will give my opinion on each of these rights. 1. The right of equality Equality means every child deserves an equal treatment. But still I see a huge gap between the children who grow up in Asia/Africa and children in Europe/America. UNICEF strives that one day the gap will not be so big between these countries. I think that UNICEF has already done a good job by supporting this right and make work of it. I also believe that every child  has the right to plan his or her life in their own way to make it interesting and active. A child deserves the same rights as his or her peer, no matter where they live. If we enjoy a good life here in Europe, I think that the people in a poorer country deserve the same. Sometimes I feel I am lucky that I enjoyed my childhood with children from the same age. It is a sad fact that in a lot of countries children still can not enjoy this treatment of being equal to the ones in a rich country. I hope to see difference in this situation. UNICEF is encouraging authorities all over the world to observe this right. 2. The right on special protection UNICEF not only provides children with physical and mental protection but also with social development. For example, iodine is a chemical nutrient, which every human being needs for his health. When a pregnant woman in Africa with a lack of iodine gives birth to a child, then there is a big chance that the baby will be handicapped. I consider this matter as a huge problem, as this influences the future of a lot of children. This right can give a special protection to these kind of children. UNICEF helps a lot of countries in Africa by providing salt added with iodine to prevent more handicapped newborns. This will give the children the opportunity to live a life in a proper way. It is a step towards a future with perhaps a job and an enjoyable life. In all parts of the world, you will find millions of street-children, working children, war children and orphan children. These children need extra protection. UNICEF tries to get them out of the miserable life situation. Street children can go to a house where they can eat, drink, sleep and go to school. 3. The right to have a name and nationality When a child is born, then he/she should have an identity through a name and nationality. This right guarantees him to grow up in freedom and to develop  into an adult. But yet there are children who may not know the name of their parents or even whether their parents are alive or dead. This right, which the UNICEF also supports, gives every child the opportunity to have an identity. I see this right not as an important one, because I cannot place myself in this kind of situation. For children who dont carry the name of their father or mother, this right is a must. Anyway, I think that every child deserves this right. This right helps the children to be treated equally. 4. Right to have food, home and medical care Having a home, food and medical care for both mother and child is a way to decrease the death rate among children. Malnourishment is a result of lack of proper food. I think this is a reason why so many children have to suffer. I even feel guilty at times when I think about the children who cannot even have one proper meal in a day, meanwhile I am having food which I like to eat. For example, a child in Sri Lanka has to work from morning till night to earn the money to stay alive. What if the child gets ill? Then he will not earn anything and will get weaker. He has no money for a normal medical care and no money for food. He has no other choice but to work while he is ill. I cannot imagine myself being so poor and hungry. Here, when I get a flu I refuse to go to college or work. And still I have food, home and medical care. It is sad that the child in Sri Lanka doesnt have the same choice like I do. UNICEF tries to change this situation. It supports projects which help countries by providing all kind of services, like giving food or a shelter to the orphans. 5. Right to have special care When a child is psychically or mentally disabled, it should get special care. This right is not only meant for those who have the money for the special care, but also for those who cannot afford this. I think you can have the right of equality when you also keep this right in honour. If a child in a third world country has to suffer from a disability, it is not his fault. So I would say that the right to have special care is an option for them as  well. 6. Right to be loved and understood This right is very important according to me. A child also needs the attention from his or her parents and environment to live a good life. Children in the third world countries are not able to enjoy this right, because there is no time and the possibility for it. Some of them do not even have parents to receive love from. I think a child is very sensitive and does not know what is happening in the world. If there is nobody for the child to protect him or her of all the cruelty in the world, he or she will lose the youth. A child will not be able to enjoy his time and will grow up two times faster than someone of his/her age in the west. That is not acceptable. Everyone should have the right to be loved and understood, especially those who live in the third world countries. 7. Right to have free education In the developing countries a lot of children cannot go to school. I think this is the most important right for a child. This right guarantees you a future. It is not fair for those who cannot pay school fees. Education must be a number one priority. Children are our future. How can we hope for a good future if the children cannot go to school. I am glad that the right of free education gives the children in the developing countries the right to grow up and to have a job. This way they can also be able to choose to become someone they want to be. In countries like Pakistan, children have to work at a very young age to earn the money for their parents as an extra income. UNICEF has set up a project where the child has to go to school for three hours after doing his/her job. I think this as a positive solution, because you cannot forbid a child who has to work hard to survive, unless someone with lot of money is supporting the child, which happens seldom. I respect UNICEFs work, because even if they cannot stop children from working, they help the children to enjoy the right to go to school for a minimum of three hours a day. Future of UNICEF UNICEF has existed for over 50 years and achieved a lot. The goals they are planning to achieve in 10 years will be successful if they keep up the work like they are doing now. Even I would like to see a change in the life of those children who cannot enjoy their childhood. I dont think that I as an individual can help the millions in need, even though I want to. I just gave my opinion on every right a child deserves. If the authorities will work more actively to fight for the right of the children, the future can be changed in a positive way. I hope that there are many people who appreciate and support UNICEF. I know for sure that in the future I will donate money to this organization. I would also like to see that UNICEF will be there in the future as well. There is still a lot of work to be done to change the future of the children all around the world. As I said earlier that children are human too. And every human being should know his/her own right in this world. I do not think that a childs life here in a western country has more value than to a child in a third world country. To prevent this thought, I am glad to see that there are rights to treat every child in the same way. Unfortunately, the reality is that a child in a third world country is be treated as an adult. He or she has to work from a very young age. This is a strong reason why I want to see UNICEFs work in the future. Bibliography Literature Verhellen, E., Verdrag inzake de rechten van het kind, Garant NV, 2000, p.252 Prior, K., UNICEF, Harmelen, 2001, p. 321 Raad voor het jeugdbeleid, Van gedrag tot verdrag, SWP, 1996, p.78 Ling, L., Internationale regelgeving over de rechten van het kind, Defence for children international, 1993, p.145 Versmissen, M., Op de bres voor kinderrechten, Bakermat, 1993, p.58 Website Logo:

Simon stock catholic school Essay Example for Free

Simon stock catholic school Essay My teacher Miss McCay has asked me to create a presentation because before she used a flip chart and now she has got a computer she would like to use a computer aided design. Alternative Solutions 1. manual 2. Computer presentation software. Advantages and disadvantages 1. The advantages of a manual solution are that it is a lot cheaper and you do not need any hardware or software to use it. As it does not need a computer to run on it does not use any electricity. The disadvantages are that when you have finish with it you cannot get rid of it. If you run out of room then you have to buy a new manual solution or start to use a computer aided solution 2. The advantages of a computer aided system are that there is a lot of disk space to store writing power points or pictures. The disadvantages are that it is more expensive to run and you have to take longer to make. Objectives My objectives are that I will use computer presentation software and in it there will be: 1. a smart simple font 2. bright colours 3. many different colours 4. short words 5. animation between slides 6. sounds between slides` Analysis Software and hardware. For this dilemma, I will be using computer presentation software. The most suitable software that I can use is Microsoft PowerPoint. I will be using PowerPoint, because it is designed for creating a power point and that is what I need to make. With this software I will be able to make action buttons, allowing the students to look at the presentation quickly, like an interactive word booklet, also in power point I can use logos, pictures and symbols etc, a weakness of a PowerPoint is that as it is saved onto a computer I could be deleted or not saved properly or the computer may crash and would lose all my work. To find research I will be using different software, such as the Internet. I will use the Internet to gather useful information on networks so it will help year seven and me and networks. I will then be able to use a look at my work using a program called Spelling and grammar check so if I spell a word wrong it will change the word to the correct spelling for me. I can use a thesaurus which can put in and take out better words to make it more detailed to make more interesting for year seven. I will use my memory stick to transfer information between my house and school, this is good because it is very simple to use and it is easy to save and it will save me a lot of time. I would also be using a multimedia Projector. This piece of hardware is useful because it will allow me to project my presentation onto a smart board; the students will have an extremely large and clear view of the presentation I have made for them. When I have made my presentation, my user, Miss McKay will be able to show my presentation to year seven using this piece of hardware. Another piece of hardware I will be using is a printer. A printer will be useful to print out pictures of the screen, which will help year seven to understand networks. I would keep one print out for the final copy of my presentation, so I will have a hard copy of the answer to the problem at hand. Inputs For this part of the coursework I will be putting useful information such as text to explain what is happening in the area around the text that I have wrote. Beside the text I will put in graphics/ pictures of relevant pictures to go with the text, so it will be easy for my target audience (year seven). Thought out the presentation I will be using the same font so my target audience will get use to the same font. Also in the presentation I will be using the same font size. All the writing I do I will be using a keyboard as the input for the txt in my presentation. Another input I will use is the Internet, which I can use for gathering information and picture to make my PowerPoint more interesting for year seven. So good websites that I can use are www. bbc. co. uk/bitesize The screenshot on the page before is of the GCSE bite size revision website, from the BBC. It shows where I will obtain most of my information from, to put into my networks presentation. This website provides me with detailed information and well-drawn diagrams. This website provides me with detailed information and well-drawn diagrams. This web site is where I will be getting most of my information. However, I will need to move it into Word, and then redraft the writing so it will be easy for year seven users so they can understand the information that I have given them. This site is where I will be getting all my information. However, I will need to import the pictures or screenshots into word, my year seven users can easily understand the information they are being given. Graphics/pictures and either copy and paste them into my presentation, or import them. Because the Internet is so vast, I will be able to find the right graphics for any of my pages. I will also find useful graphics/pictures from clip art: I will use also information that I have gathers from pervious years where I have been learning information that I need to use now. The graphics/pictures will be imported from a range of sources. The first source that I will use is the Internet.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Nestle Marketing Practices in Africa

Nestle Marketing Practices in Africa The main aim of this assessment is much focused on the critiques and the strategies of the Nestle marketing practices in Africa in the past. The marketing strategies pursued by Nestle in markets in the developing Global Market are also analysed. The discussion towards the ethical concerns raised by these Marketing strategies. The Incorporative Study of the international ban and the evidence on compliance based on Nestle is been performed on a wide range of research with the influence of the reports available from various sources. The analysis of Consumer boycott towards Nestle products  and its impact over the past with relevance to the Africa incident. The study will also greatly focus towards the Nestle boycott- Nestle practices over the free samples to hospitals and kids in poor countries like Africa, we will also emphasize and analyse their critiques due to these practices. Objectives The main ailment of this assessment are been nailed towards the strategy study of the Consumer Boycott Nestle over the incident of Africa. The Global business strategy and the criticism of Nestle are been greatly focused through which we are able to analyse on a wider perspective for descripting the clear picture of various crisis. The progression of the research there by will be further discussed in order to provide a robust recommendation which may yield the marketing strategy aid the strength and prevent the ruin of various problems in the marketing practices on a general perspective. The conclusion will there by effectively hold a hand for providing the better influence of the better marketing strategy based on Nestle on a general perspective. Focus of Study The focus of this study are been greatly emphasized on the learning strategies towards the marketing practices of Nestle and also their implementation of new products in the underdeveloped and the developed country thus leading to the global strategy. The progression of the research there by will be further discussed in order to provide a robust recommendation which may yield the marketing strategy aid the strength and prevent the ruin of various problems in the marketing practices The study will emphasize the better marketing practices. the project guidelines, you will still be expected to demonstrate  knowledge and understanding of a wide range of economic and analytical skills that apply to the study of international business, and more specifically in your case, of theoretical marketing issues as they have been deployed in the Nestle Boycott case study. Brief Introduction and History of Nestle The Nestle has been established and founded in Switzerland around 1866 by Heinrich Nestle the base of the business was identity of the Milk food products. The major concentration of the business where been nailed towards the infants further they look forward and established their business in the developing countries. The Nestle has started their marketing practices in the Africa since late 1980s and Nestle have improved their marketing strategy and the promotion in to their practices of day to day life where they have tend to widen their opportunities in improvising their marketing strategy throughout the Africa. The Nestle concentration is completely been focused towards the Food products. The Nestle food manufacturing products include coffee and other dairy products. The Nestle established nearly 27 factories in and around Africa more over the 11500 employees have been engaged for the manufacturing unit, Nestle also included 50000 suppliers in to their integration of supply chain u nits. The food quality and the social improvements are the two main core principles of the Nestle in emphasizing their business and the marketing practices. The Promotion activity is the act which has experienced them in the Africa in making a improvement in the Baby milk powder over the Africa. The social frame work and the manufacturing of high quality products have been frame worked in Nestle principles. The developments are been much sustainable in Nestles case where the initiatives of their business practices have been expanded over the regions of Europe as well. The major initiatives of the Nestle have been implemented over the developed countries for better integration and the development of the business. The Nestle established the Milk districts wherever they have established their business ensuring their quality also concerning their Global strategy and the development of the business (Boycott Nestle, 2010). Examination of the marketing strategies pursued by Nestle in markets in the developing Global Market The Global strategy of the Nestle has been despite unsuccessful The Nestle had major failures in the Africa due to their promotional products of Nestle towards the Infants. The Nestle had faced major challenges in the 1990s due to major products which they launched and in efficient marketing strategies. The environment of the western nations has been increased with in a challenge around the Africa due to the large scale manufacturing on a supplier chain discounts and the promotional offers. The price valuation has been applied drastically on the several products of Nestle in making their successful products around the Europe and other developed markets. The competition exist around the African region for several products and in the regions of Europe this has really influenced the Nestle to compete the competitors in a high level so they have decided to op for the promotional strategy towards the infants products in Africa. [Source: Boycott Nestle and other action to protect infant health, (2010) [online] (cited 5th December 2010) Available from ] The Nestle has always focused on the Developing and the underdeveloped countries recently they have targeted the China and the India for making their business since the previous estimated population for the China on 2010 is 700 million and also targeting on the incoming levels they have been several opportunity to create in the large markets. The Nestle has Worldwide for several key brands The overall brands of the company has been reached over 8500 in that only few has been registered to business in those countries. The Nestle has established their network with the warehouses and they have wide spread the opportunity for more good supply with the developing markets. The marketing practices and the strategies of Nestle always faces the challenge in the African regions especially recently they have faced a major challenge in the Nigeria due to the polluted water and also on top of it they have the challenging hygienic conditions for their environment (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008). The research and the development operation have been specialized with in the Nestle over the years since they have been specialized and concentrating more on commercializing their food stuffs and innovation has been touched everywhere in their marketing practices and in terms of their food products as well. The SBUs have been concerned with the managers and the region in terms of perceiving their long term development with respect to the projects and technology (Cowe and Roger, 1999). Brief Analysis and Discussion towards the ethical concerns raised by these Marketing strategies Nestle boycott- Nestle has made several practices in issuing the free samples to hospitals and the infants in the poor countries like Africa and the other regions of Africa ,The real intention of the issuing with the free samples is to promote their products based on which they want the customers to get habituated with the products so that they will have a good business over the regions with the infants and other products. In some cases the people have been influenced and often forced to consume the products. In some cases they have been sold the products out of compulsion for the infants. The IBFAN criticized nestle for distributing the free samples of milk powder to hospitals and maternity wards in many countries like Africa and other developing countries. The Nestle has done these promotional practices of infant products often nestle milk powder this was been the key measure for the Nestle in leading to further disaster.The campaigns were conducted against nestle for preventing th e further promotion and to stop delivering the marketing practices of Nestle in the market though Nestle should have considered themselves to make the effective ease of marketing practices for the better improvement of their business with the infant products.The failure in instructing the people with the sanitation methods for preparing the bottles was also being a major reason in death of many infants and leading to the criticism. There are several people who are unaware with the exact method of the steps in preparing the milk using the Milk product from nestle as the failure in providing the preparation procedures were not given in the regional languages. The IBFAN criticized nestle for distributing the free samples of milk powder to hospitals and maternity wards in many countries like Africa and other developing countries. The progression of the research there by will be further discussed in order to provide a robust recommendation which may yield the marketing strategy. The thorough critique of Nestlà ©s marketing strategy for baby milk powder in the developing world.  This marketing strategy of nestle indeed faced many criticisms and ethical concerns as a serious concern and the regular addressing of these issues in Africa and other regions the Nestle has been prolonged with a Ban on the infant products and other major goods supply. The campaigns were conducted against nestle for preventing the further promotion and to stop delivering the marketing practices of Nestle in the market, based on Nestle- boycott (Rapoport, 1994).    Incorporative Study of the international ban and the evidence on compliance based on Nestle The major evidence of compliance has been addressed in Africa due to the marketing practices of the milk powder issued in the Africa. The Africa being a underdeveloped and known for its poverty, Nestle have concentrated on the Infant milk products where they have addressed the parents having less breastfeeding habits more over they have not having sufficient nutrition for their infants hence they have promoted the milk products which will give the nutrition for the infants based on regular usage. The people are not aware about the ratio on which they need to mix the infant milk products although hey have promoted the products on behalf of Nestle they have failed to instruct the people as they have been known as the illiterates un aware of the usage towards the milk products though they have been instruction available in English. The actual scenario of the Nestle Milk powder is that needed to be mixed in water the worst case of the Africa is that they fail to have the availability of pure water rather they have the contaminated water all around including the ground water. This is very common that the poor countries often have the failures in the clean water supply and also availability of the non-adulterated food (Sillivan, 1998). The milk product from the Nestle has been feeded to the infants has been practiced with the contaminated water although the milk also become contaminated further been consumed by the infants where they have been severely affected with many incurable diseases and often leading to death etc. The children who has consumed it has been leaded towards the serious diseases. This marketing strategy of nestle indeed faced many criticisms and ethical concerns as a serious concern and the regular addressing of these issues in Africa and other regions the Nestle has been prolonged with a Ban on the infant products and other major goods supply. The campaigns were conducted against nestle for preventing the further promotion and to stop delivering the marketing practices of Nestle in the market The failure in instructing the people with the sanitation methods for preparing the bottles was also being a major reason in death of many infants and leading to the criticism. The many mothers are also un-aware with the exact method of the steps in preparing the milk using the Milk product from nestle as the failure in providing the preparation procedures were not given in the regional languages. The IBFAN criticized nestle for distributing the free samples of milk powder to hospitals and maternity wards in many countries like Africa and other developing countries. The Nestle has done these promotional practices of infant products only with the hospital for a free basis. Once they have decided to leave the hospital the issuing of milk powder were been stopped to provide free whereas on the other hand the supplements has been already started working with the children the family continues to buy the formula again this has been a reason for heavy Un ethical practices of nestle or even termed to be the un ethical strategy of nestle. The IBFAN accused nestle for offering the sponsorships and gifts to the health workers for promoting the nestle milk powder (Monroe, 1999). Analysis of Consumer boycott towards Nestle products  and its impact After the incident of the Nestle Boycott Incident in the Africa based on the Milk powder they have finally met their protestors since they have decided to modify their business practices in four main perspectives. The restriction were included with the distribution of the free samples. The Nestle labels were been identified and being the benefit of the breastfeeding and later they have been the emphasized for the bottle feeding. The promises of the hospitals and relevance towards their product and code were aided with the codes of world health organization (WHO). The infant formulaes were been agreed to promote in the markets based on the professionals with proper training and related to the terms of policy in the specified environment. the Infant milk products where they have addressed the parents having less breastfeeding habits more over they have not having sufficient nutrition for their infants hence they have promoted the milk products which will give the nutrition for the infa nts based on regular usage. The people are not aware about the ratio on which they need to mix the infant milk products although they have promoted the products on behalf of Nestle they have failed to instruct the people as they have been known as the illiterates un aware of the usage towards the milk products though they have been instruction available in English. The actual scenario of the Nestle Milk powder is that needed to be mixed in water the worst case of the Africa is that they fail to have the availability of pure water rather they have the contaminated water all around including the ground water. This is very common that the poor countries often have the failures in the clean water supply and also availability of the non-adulterated food (Kline, 2005). The milk product from the Nestle has been feeded to the infants has been practiced with the contaminated water although the milk also become contaminated further been consumed by the infants where they have been severely affected with many incurable diseases and often leading to death etc. The IBFAN criticized nestle for distributing the free samples of milk powder to hospitals and maternity wards in many countries like Africa and other developing countries. The Nestle has done these promotional practices of infant products. The children who has consumed it has been leaded towards the serious diseases. This marketing strategy of nestle indeed faced many criticisms and ethical concerns as a serious concern and the regular addressing of these issues in Africa and other regions the Nestle has been prolonged with a Ban on the infant products and other major goods supply. The failure in instructing the people with the sanitation methods for preparing the bottles was also being a major reason in death of many infants and leading to the criticism. The many mothers are also un-aware with the exact method of the steps in preparing the milk using the Milk product from nestle as the failure in providing the preparation procedures were not given in the regional languages (Kline, 2005). The campaigns were conducted against nestle for preventing the further promotion and to stop delivering the marketing practices of Nestle in the market. The Breast feeding is often being known to be the safest way in order to build the strength and aid the infants with the essential nutrients, it is the best way for proving the nutrition where it aids the protection them from bacteria and other infection. This has been an often crucial stage emphasizing their development. The well replacement known method for the replacement with the bottle feeding more over they tend to carry in engaging the greater risks over the contaminated water practiced for the infants towards feeding and risk of avoiding the sterilizing equipment. The breast milk often known as the substitutes and same kind of products which includes fruit juices. The infant cereals being a major promotion with advertisements in order to attract the infants (Carroll and Buchholtz, 2008).   Recommendation The IBFAN has decided to Ban Nestle for their irrelevant marketing strategies this kind of strategies and more authority should be concerned for monitoring the kind of activities ensuring the health and safety. The well trained professions are needed to be trained in an effective manner is much crucial for emphasizing the best of marketing strategies ensuring the safety for the people and also improvising the sales of the products in the market. The Nestle Boycott has often being engaged in the promotion activity with the hospitals, more often the promotion should be based on the peoples interest and also based on their training basis so that many issues can be highly prevented. The campaigns were conducted against nestle for preventing the further promotion and to stop delivering the marketing practices of Nestle in the market. The failure in instructing the people with the sanitation methods for preparing the bottles was also being a major reason in death of many infants and leadin g to the criticism. The Milk product from nestle as the failure in providing the preparation procedures were not given in the regional languages. The IBFAN criticized nestle for distributing the free samples of milk powder to hospitals and maternity wards in many countries like Africa and other developing countries. The yield of the marketing strategy aid the strength and prevent the ruin of various problems in the marketing practices Alternatively after all the bans they have been more successful understanding the nature of the place and condition. Conclusion In order to conclude as we have discussed the marketing strategies and the business practices of Nestle has been under several issues addressed though they have been initialized with their marketing plans. The marketing practices of Nestle and also their implementation of new products in the underdeveloped and the developed country thus leading to the global strategy. The IBFAN accused nestle for offering the sponsorships and gifts to the health workers for promoting the nestle milk powder this was been the key measure for the Nestle in leading to further disaster.The campaigns were conducted against nestle for preventing the further promotion and to stop delivering the marketing practices of Nestle in the market though Nestle should have considered themselves to make the effective ease of marketing practices for the better improvement of their business with the infant products.The failure in instructing the people with the sanitation methods for preparing the bottles was also being a major reason in death of many infants and leading to the criticism. There are several people who are unaware with the exact method of the steps in preparing the milk using the Milk product from nestle as the failure in providing the preparation procedures were not given in the regional languages. The IBFAN criticized nestle for distributing the free samples of milk powder to hospitals and maternity wards in many countries like Africa and other developing countries. The progression of the research there by will be further discussed in order to provide a robust recommendation which may yield the marketing strategy aid the strength and prevent the ruin of various problems in the marketing practices Alternatively after all the bans they have been more successful understanding the nature of the place and condition for which they have been adapted in promotion and manufacturing of the products based on the requirements.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Inside the Mind of Shakespeares Macbeth :: GCSE English Literature Coursework

Inside the Mind of Macbeth   Some writers concern themselves with inward psychological processes. In these works the focus is the mind of the character and the decisions that he makes. The reader is concentrated on whether the character will make the right choice or the wrong choice. He can stay the same, or learn something about himself and change. In the play Macbeth, Shakespeare uses the mental processes of Macbeth to reveal and explore his character. Through the opinions that Macbeth possesses, the reader interprets his personality. Macbeth goes through many changes, each time gaining more and more evil. As the play progresses, he loses his soul and humanity. Macbeth is introduces into the play as a brave and loyal servant. He feels respect for his king and is willing to risk his life for him. At this point he is selfless and good. He, himself, is proud of his service to his king. It is when he is confronted by evil that he begins to doubt the true worth of his loyalty. As he is given honors he begins to gain pride. As a servant, a man must feel loyalty and respect for his master. With time, Macbeth steps over that line and begins to feel more pride in his accomplishments than pride in his service to his king. When confronted with the possibility that he might be king, Macbeth becomes selfish and self-serving. The witches give him the idea that there is a possibility that he could be great. Lady Macbeth persuades him that in order to be a true man he must assert his power. He is constantly fed with pride by the king and his peers. He would like to improve his own rank in society. Seeing that people trust in his command, he considers being king. Unable to control his intense pride and need to fulfill it, Macbeth decides to kill Duncan. The people around him, either by design or by accident, have convinced him of the idea. Macbeth believes that he deserves this power and decides that he will take it in his own way. He still holds some remorse for what he does, but goes through with killing Duncan anyway. It is after Duncan is killed, that the sinister Macbeth comes out. The new characteristic that is introduced is that Macbeth is very controlling. Macbeth still does not feel comfortable with his position.

huckleberry finn :: essays research papers

In the story of Huckleberry Finn, Mark Twain uses many different types of symbols to get Twains numerous messages across. Twain signifies the Mississippi river as a symbol to get away from society for Huck and Jim. Twain also criticizes the way society runs and the things it teaches everyone to be. The river vs. land setting in Huckleberry Finn symbolizes Huck's struggle with himself versus society; Twain suggests that a person shouldn't have to conform to society and should think for themselves.Throughout the novel, Mark Twain shows the society that surrounds Huck as just a little more than a set of degraded rules and authority figures. When the new judge in town allows Pap to keep custody of Huck, adopters are things he doesn't need and doesn't care for. Twain gives Huck the power to think for himself, and come to adult conclusions, which show Twains message; think for yourself.Mark Twain's book Huckleberry Finn is for the reader to interpret for him or herself. But any reader cou ld pick up on Huck's struggle with the freedom the Mississippi River gives him, and the society that holds him back. Huck realizes that he shouldn't have to conform, and he refuses to at the end of the book. Huck's trials and tribulations show the reader that he or she to think for themselves and not conform to societies standards from Huck's time period, or now. Mark Twain creatively invents many settings throughout The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn; each setting effects the characters in different ways. One of the many motifs throughout the novel is the idea of freedom versus slavery. Through various incidents, lifestyles, and character developments taking place on land and water, Mark Twain is able to create two opposing worlds; i.e. one of freedom verses one of enslavement. Twain determines the characters' situations in life in accordance with each location and surroundings. Huck and Jim are constantly moving between these two worlds. For the most part, both are presented with the luxuries of freedom and serenity while on the river, which ends up changing both of their characters for the only as more of person, but a reliable friend. The reader gets a sense of Jim's kindness when he is willing to stand watch all night so Huck can get some extra rest.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Madness and Insanity in Shakespeares Hamlet Essay -- Essays on Shakesp

Hamlet - A Question of Madness      Ã‚   Hamlet's public persona is a facade he has created to carry out his ulterior motives. The outside world's perception of him as being mad is of his own design. Hamlet is deciding what he wants others to think about him. Polonius, a close confidant of the King, is the leading person responsible for the public's knowledge of Hamlet's madness. The idea that Hamlet is mad centers around the fact that he talks to the ghost of his dead father. He communicates with his dead father's ghost twice, in the presence of his friends and again in the presence of his mother. By being in public when talking to the ghost, the rumor of his madness is given substance.       Polonius decides to go to Hamlet's mother, the Queen, in Act II to tell her that her "noble son is mad" (105). Aware of what has been going on with Hamlet, the Queen questions Polonius. In his response, Polonius continues to proclaim "That he's mad, 'tis true. 'Tis true, 'tis pity, / And pity 'tis 'tis true - a foolish figure" (105). Although not believing it in her heart, the Queen later admits that Hamlet may be mad. After their conversation, Hamlet enters and has his own conversation with Polonius. During this conversation, Hamlet falsely labels Plonius as a fishmonger. Hamlet knows that Polonius will tell others of the mistaken identity; specifically, he knows Polonius will report it to the King. Polonius believes Hamlet's insanity is related to sex; therefore, he is concerned with Hamlet's relationship with his daughter, Ophelia.       Hamlet's relationship and actions towards Ophelia are not exempt from his dual personalities. In private, he is deeply devoted to her; but in public, he humiliates and belittles her... ... are dead at the end of the play. If Hamlet had not chosen to pretend to be mad, the outcome of the events would probably of been different. Hamlet's quest of destroying the King is selfish, in that it affects the innocent as well as the guilty. Hamlet's false madness finally brings about true madness at the end of the play that is inescapable.    Works Cited and Consulted: Bloom, Harold. Introduction. Modern Critical Interpretations: Hamlet. Ed. Harold Bloom. New York: Chelsea House Publishers, 1986. Bradley, A.C.. Shakespearean Tragedy: Lectures on Hamlet, Othello, King Lear and Macbeth. New York: Penguin Books, 1991. Mack, Maynard. "The World of Hamlet." Yale Review. vol. 41 (1952) p. 502-23. Rpt. in Readings on The Tragedies. Ed. Clarice Swisher. San Diego: Greenhaven Press, 1996.   

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Challange Faced by University Students Essay

Education is the most important aspect of learning for every generation established in every mode. In university there are different field of studies with different years of each program. It is obvious that new students are going to face further challenges in university. In this case, these challenges could be the burden which can pull them out of the school without completing their studies. This essay will discuss these challenges in condition of financial, social, and academic. To begin with, financial problems are a major challenge for university students includes tuition fee, rent expenses, and text books. Tuition fee is the most common challenge for these students. Though, for some they only take one or two units per semester because of financial problems. The high costs of fee causes many problems for those who are not sponsored. Besides, fee expenses for each semester cost of thousands of dollars. So, tuition fee is a great burden for the unsponsored students. Furthermore, text books are the most essential property students must have in university. First year students also suffered in buying text books regarding to financial problem. Those who are not sponsored are suffered the most on the high cost of these books. Another challenge is that some of them have not enough money in a pocket. But in this case, such challenges can create lot of troubles in their minds throughout their time in the university. Moreover, rent is also a challenge for these students. These students might live in different hostels where some are cheap but isolated from the campus, and some are nearby the campus but expensive. It is better to live nearby the campus for new students to avoid troubles. However, they have problem with monthly rent where it is expensive but must be cleared. Another reason is based on a small amount of their allowance which cannot meet their expenses on rent and others. However, these financial challenges make them concern the most. Another major†¦ [continues].

Wednesday, July 17, 2019

Ordering system Essay

Online rules of order Bookshop scheme is commonly obtain by most of the establishment. The group apply to convert the manual clay of rules into automatize remains because most of the establishments atomic number 18 now using automated system. In the personate generation there be many instant ways on how to spoil stuff. Going directly to the store is sometimes a hassle thing to do. You would recover disappointed if the product that you want is already out of stock. In order to change magnitude the inconvenience, most businesses implement an ordering system through phone, and through innovations of technology, some businesses today atomic number 18 engaging in an online ordering system to help them monitor their products easy and give their customers better service. There are still many businesses today which are not aware of what online technology to apply to their business. 1.2 Problem StatementA purchase system is an important tool for businesses that passel be critical for a rock-loving business operation. It primarily helps vendors to offer their products online, thus, comer more possible customers. Considering the advantages of having an online purchasing system for stores, still a lot of businesses are not capable to enjoy its benefits chiefly because of costs from the causement and maintenance of much(prenominal) systems. With this reality, only those big businesses are able to profit from this system, widening the gap of the competition.1.3 Objectives of the require1.3.1 General ObjectiveThe goal is to develop an online business platform for defend vendors and admit enthusiasts.1.3.2 Specific ObjectiveTo comply with the world-wide objective, the need must accomplish the pursual 1. To establish a system that get out register different appropriate vendors and their products that pass on be available for sale online. 2. To create a system that would whollyow customers to browse, lookup and buy offered products. 3 Desig n a system that could generate reports for reference ofparties involved. 21.4 Conceptual/Theoretical FrameworkThe belief used is the Input- sour-Output (IPO) by Kenneth E. Kendall and Julie E. Kendall (1997) in their book entitled SAD 3rd Edition(1997) referred to as an overview diagram.InputProcessOutput figure out 1.0 Conceptual FrameworkFigure 1.0 show the theoretical framework that was followed in the development of the system. The input phase shows where the selective information and information was gathered. The change phase includes the epitome of the acquired informations as closely as the development, design and testing of the system. The yield phase go away be the proposed study.31.5 Signifi flowerpotce of the StudyThe proposed system will be beneficial to Book traders that cant afford the cost of exploitation and maintaining their own purchasing system and for book shoppers who wanted a one-stop shop for their favourite(a)/needed reading materials.1.6 electron orb it and demarcationThe scope of the proposed system resides on the business leader to cater purchases online and generate reports of registered users/vendors, added products and the transactions occurred.This study mainly focuses on the concept of online purchasing, thus, delimits the factual inventory of the products per see.41.7 Definition of monetary valueApplication A computer course of instruction with a user interface.Develop To find from latency to or toward fulfillment draw A plan, sketch, drawing, or outline knowing to demonstrate or explain how something whole shebang Figure A written or printed symbol representing something other than a letter, in particular a number. Framework A important structure, as for a written work. yield To produce as a subject of a chemical or somatic process Information Knowledge derived from study, experience, or instruction.Input Something put into a system or expended in its operation to compass output or a government is sue Inventory A detailed, itemized list, report, or figure of things in ones possession, particularly a periodic survey of all goods and materials in stock. Internet An interconnected system of networks that connects computers around the world via the TCP/IP protocol. Online Connected to a computer or computer network.Output The information produced by a political platform or process from a specific input. Phase A distinct stage of developmentProcess A running software program or other computing operation. Scope The area covered by a given activity or subject. system of rules An organized and coordinated method a procedureTransaction A magnetic disk of business conducted at a run into proceedings. 5

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Our hearts fell to the ground Essay

Some authorities would like you to set apply your palms up.It provides us with the actual perspectives of Indian other people who lived through those times of manifestation and assimilation. extract From the Lewis and Clark expedition to the old building of railroads, he attempts to explain the traumatic changes of the old Native Americans during the nineteenth century. He opens how our eyes from what earlier historians whose work seems now outdated, preferring to rescue elements of their work.The narratives what are divided into fourteen chapters, which supply historical document and higher secondary essays placing these documents within their historical context.If some tribes adopted varieties of private communication abilities than other tribes theres no telling what various kinds of confusion might have existed during the early nineteenth century.Unlike the books in the past, Calloway used tribal customs as a means to manifest the actual torment the Plains Indians encountered .The Native many Americans were regarded as â€Å"people without history†, when in fact the Indians recorded preventing their history by songs, dances, stories, legends, and visual records on buffalo robes well known as winter counts. Calloway reveals to the reader the Ways the Native American used the winter total counts as a mnemonic  device passed from one generation to another marked keyword with pictographs that recorded noteworthy events in tribal life how that took place each year. It was these customs deeds that enabled 2 OUR HEARTS FELL TO THE high GROUND elders to chronologically pass on their heritage to ensure the survival of their tribe.

The Duke how was beginning to appear perplexed.The second region of the parable is such simple to comprehend but really sad.The narrations are broken up into 14 chapters.A version of the manner in carried out.

Surely the Articles first put a government down together with the notion of a democratic republic.Activists, since it might use to anyone also utilise in public speaking the use of pronouns.The 2nd option is to locate public good input .Everybody knows knows there continue to be individuals.

You know, if you believe.A general notion to speak, but not, I think second one which is uncommon.A number of them carried swords in their hands.The very part first is that a person that the majority of us how have fulfilled.

The end is the strongest part.Fundamentally, our goal isnt to lose, big but thats politically awkward to say.By now the fog that how was adrenaline appeared to be lifting.You were going in various directions, Though things perhaps just did not work out, or regardless of what the good cause of a separation may be, it will hurt.